Adults: Mark the places you have traveled (through your reading, of course) and enter a drawing for a prize. Starts June 1, 2015.
Upcoming Library Events:
Summer Reading Program starts June 1st!
Book Sale/Quilt Raffle–Buy your raffle ticket soon! June 6th Community Center
June 12: 10am-5pm and June 13, 9am-4pm: Doing Community History: Dig Where You Stand: Loup City Public Library. Instructor Linda Wilke Heil of CCC: Read clues from old family photos. Investigate the history of local businesses. Preserve memories of local parks. Record homestead histories. Preserve local school histories. Walk on hallowed ground. Study the archite…cture of your town. Record your memories. Join us for a weekend of fun and learning!
June 16 and 23 6-8pm. $29.00. Instructor: Laura Evans Beginning Needle Tatting. It’s fun and easy! Learn to make the basic double stitch, a picot, and a join.
To register for these classes, contact Judith Weston, Community Education Coordinator:
Beginning Needle Tatting
Treat a friend to a tatted card or embellish your quilt with tatted lace. Needle tatting is fun and easy to learn. You learn to make the basic double stitch. Most tatting patterns use only this stitch, so a world of tatting will open to you after you take this class. You will learn how to make a picot, make a join, and how to start and finish your work. Supply list will be available upon request. CLASS WILL BE HELD AT THE LOUP CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Tuesdays June 16 & 23, 6-8 pm $29. Per student Instructor Laura Evans
14/NC AVOR 6100 DG100

Quilt donated by Sharon Dutton for raffle fundraiser by the Loup City Library. Thanks to Chuck and Cheri at the Loup City Diner for allowing us to display and sell tickets there. Raffle will be held at book sale at the Community Center on June 6, 2015. You do not need to be present to win, but please be sure to fill out the contact information!