Are you reading any Nonfiction this weekend? We have biography lovers who have been reading about “Queen Elizabeth II”. We have history lovers reading about “The Radium Girls” and people who love memoirs reading about “Half Bads in White Regalia” and Paris Hilton. Join us for an informative Nonfiction November.
Join us in cheering on the Lady Rebels at Sub-District Finals tonight at Hayes Center 5:30pm, theme is Black Out!
Watch Live:…/maywood-hayes-center…/schedule…
It was Pajama Day at Leap Into Learning Preschool yesterday. Sleepy Sheepy was perfectly timed! Remember to add these books to your child’s log for 1000 Books Before Kindergarten!
If you read a nonfiction book in November, let us know to be entered into the drawing. If you are participating in Indigathon and Nonfiction November by reading a book about people from an Indigenous culture, you will get 2 entries into the drawing for each book read.