Myranda read The Hungry Caterpillar to twelve children this morning! They did a caterpillar finger play and then made colorful caterpillars. The children then enjoyed the beautiful outdoor weather playing “Follow the Leader”, tag, and “Duck, Duck, Goose”.
Month: June 2016
Story time
Activity Time
Bailey Carpenter, from the Antelope County Extension office, gave a program today called “Ready, Set, Think Your Drink…Healthy Beverages”. Eighteen children attended the program where they learned about the amount of sugar in various drinks. They also did activites where they identified healthy and unhealthy drinks. There was a fierce competition between the girls and the boys when guessing the amount of sugar in various drinks! The Antelope County Extension office is working in partnership with the summer reading program “On Your Mark, Get Set… Read!”
Kids who attended also received a contest sheet from the Elgin Review. They have questions to answer, and the answers can be found in this week’s Elgin Review. Small prizes will be given to those who complete the sheet and turn it in by the following Thursday. Every entry will be put into a drawing for an end-of-program prize for one lucky winner!
Story time begins!
Our first story time began with the reading of Find Me a Tiger by Lynley Dodd. The 7 children attending then decorated clothes pins to be imaginary animals that could be camouflaged. Later, they hid their clothespin animals around the rooms and the
other children searched for the camouflaged creatures. The children also hunted for worms in the grass outside. (The worms were pipe cleaner pieces of various colors). They discovered the red pieces were the easiest to find, while the green, brown, and yellow were harder to spot in the mowed grass.