Summer Reading – A Universe of Stories

Come join Elgin Public Library for story time beginning Monday, June 3. Young children from the ages of three to seven are invited to story time on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 10:00-10:45. If you have young visitors in your home they are welcome to come too! Join us for stories, crafts and games. IT WILL BE OUT OF THIS WORLD!

Children who have completed grades 2-5 are invited to come on Thursday afternoons at 1:00 for activities which may include plays, games, art projects, etc. Activity time will last about 1 hour and will start on Thursday, June 6 and end on July 11. Travis Rudloff will once again be in charge of activities for the upper grades.

“Blast Off” to Summer Reading Program

5-4-3-2-1- Blast off to summer reading and a “Universe of Stories”. On May 20, 2019 the Elgin Public Library hosted an assembly for grades Kindergarten through sixth from both Elgin Public and Saint Boniface Schools. The assembly was presented by Dr. Todd Young from Wayne State College. His talk included information about Apollo 11 and space exploration, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Dr. Young entertained the students with his hands on approach and audience participation. Dr. Young is a Professor of Physics & Astronomy at Wayne State College and the Director of the Fred G. Dale Planetarium.
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