Elgin Library Summer Reading Covid 19 Style

This year our summer reading program will have a different look.  The theme for the 2020 Summer Reading Program is “Imagine Your Story” which features fantasy and fairy tales.  In lieu of story time and activity time we will be offering take home packets with crafts, links to read aloud stories and snacks.  If you want your child to participate in summer reading please take a few minutes to fill out a form that is posted on our website http://libraries.ne. gov/elgin or our face book page.  We will also be offering a summer reading challenge using an online app Reader Zone.  This is a free app to install and it will be the way you will keep track of all your reading minutes.  The library will have access to all your reading minutes and award prizes accordingly.  Summer reading will start on June 8 and run through July 3.  Participants need to be signed up by June 5, 2020.


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