The library has received numerous new book titles to get you through the final days of summer and into the fall. Check out the picture below to see all the new titles. Many are by familiar and favorite authors while there are also new ones that are just waiting to be read.
Through a grant, the library received money to buy Playaways for adults and Wonderbooks for children. You may ask yourself, “What are Playaways and Wonderbooks?” Let us explain.
Playaway is a device where an audiobook had been pre-loaded on the device. It is portable so you have the freedom to take it anywhere. There is no need for WiFi or internet. It has a universal headphone jack so you can use almost any kind of headphones, speakers or adapter.
Wonderbook is a print book with a ready-to-play audiobook inside. Kids can press play and read along with the book.
The Book Club book for August has arrived. You will be reading The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown. We have one large print copy available. Stop by and pick up your book.