Tails and Tales

RAWR!! Kitties on Dinosaurs, written by Michael Slack, was read during Story Time on Monday, June 28. Three little kitties were adorable, determined, and loved to climb things like trees and oh yeah. . . DINOSAURS! What could possibly go wrong? Stop by the library and check it out!!! In the spirit of our theme, Tails and Tales, the children made dinosaur tails. It was a RAWRing good time!

Check out those tails!!!

Did the Egg Survive?

Activity time on June 17 required the kids to create a contraption that would protect an egg when dropped from a ladder. They worked in groups and were instructed to design and build a container to hold the egg using a trash bag, tissue, paper cup, string, and tape. When dropped, three out of the four groups succeeded in saving their egg.

Cats Meow

Story time on Monday, June 7, featured I Found a Kitty by Troy Cummings. Lucky Arfy has a home. Scamper doesn’t. Arfy just has to find a furever home for this cute little stray kitten – a quiet home full of laughs, gentle pats, and yarn balls. And bow wow wow, he thinks he knows just the place. A story that is purrfect for cat lovers, dog lovers, and anyone with a heart.

Second Grade Visit the Library

Mrs. Beckman and the second grade visited the library on Wednesday, May 19. They came and listened to a story, Three Hens and Peacock, written by Lester L.Laminack. After the story, they decorated tiles of their favorite book. These tiles will be on display in the Children’s Room at the library. Stop by and check them out. They also got to play with Legos when they were done drawing. It was wonderful to have them in the library.