During National LIbrary Week parents and children were invited to the library to read the book of the day. The children were entered into a drawing for a book donated by Kim Young, Usborne Book Consultant. Winners were: Monday – Eleanor Beckman, Tuesday – Callie Mlinar, Wednesday – Cayson Bottorf, Thursday – Cody Mlinar and Friday – Cael Bottorf. The library also sponsored a coloring contest. Chase Young was the winner in the 3-6 age category and tying for first in the 7 and up age category were Allie Scheer and Cael Bottorf. Stop by the library to pick up your prize. Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate National Library Week with a special thank you going to Brenda Siems for the cookies and Kim Young for going the extra mile and making it a fun and successful week.
Month: April 2021
April Activity Packets
Activity packets for April are ready to be picked up. We are open from 4 to 7 today, April 12.
National Library Week (April 8)
National Library Week
National Library Week (April 9)
National Library Week April 4 – 10
National Library Week
National Library Week (April 4 – 10, 2021) is a time to celebrate our nation’s libraries, library workers’ contributions and promote library use and support. The theme for National Library Week 2021 is “Welcome to Your Library.” Make sure to visit the Elgin Public Library April 4-10 for National Library Week! Let’s celebrate and support our local library! Each day, there will be a featured book for your kids to come in and read. Monday the library will be closed and Friday will close at noon. Those two days, there will be a book in the window with a QR Code to hear a story. Each book that you read/listen to, will get you entered into a daily drawing for a book. To find our more information check out the library’s website (http://libraries.ne.gov/elgin/). Winners will be posted the following business day. Winners can pick up their books on April 12 at the library. In addition, the library will also be sponsoring a coloring contest. If your child is interested, please stop by the library and pick up the coloring page. Refreshments will also be available throughout the week.
National Library Week April 4-10
Make sure to visit the Elgin Public Library April 4-10 for National Library Week! Let’s celebrate and support our local library! Each day, there will be a featured book for your kids to come in and read. Monday the library will be closed and Friday will close at noon. Those two days, there will be a book in the window with a QR Code to hear a story. Each book that you read/listen to, will get you entered into a daily drawing for a book. Just text the title of featured the book your child read/heard each day, by 7 pm to Kim at 402-843-8562. I will draw the winner each night at 8 pm. Winner’s will be posted on the library website the following business day http://libraries.ne.gov/elgin/. Winners can pick up their books on April 12 at the library. All sales from now until April 15 will also benefit the library.